Surrey Police Service (SPS) makes its policies accessible and available to the public on this website for public awareness, private study and research purposes. Any other use of these policies requires permission of SPS. SPS is currently developing its policies in preparation for policing operations. Administrative policies are posted once they are approved by the Surrey Police Board. Operational policies will be posted once SPS is the police agency of jurisdiction for Surrey.
Administration policies
- AD 1.1 Ensuring Inclusivity and Diversity in Surrey Police Service
- AD 1.2 Organization and Authorized Personnel Strength
- AD 1.3 Allocation of Personnel
- AD 1.4 Job Descriptions
- AD 1.6 Policy Development and Analysis
- AD 1.7 Strategic Research and Analysis
- AD 1.9 Secondments
- AD 1.10 Accessibility
- AD 1.11 Incident Review
- AD 2.1 Bias - Free Policing
- AD 2.2 Complaints and Professional Standards
- AD 2.3 Conflict of Interest
- AD 2.3.1 Sponsorships, Donations and Fundraising
- AD 2.4 Internal Discipline
- AD 2.5 McNeil Disclosure
- AD 2.6 Professional Deportment
- AD 2.7 Awards and Commendations
- AD 2.8 Relinquishment of Use of Force Issued Equipment
- AD 2.9 Service Record of Discipline
- AD 2.10 Serious Financial Complaints
- AD 3.1 Recruitment - Civilian Employees
- AD 3.3 Recruitment - Sworn Members
- AD 4.1.1 On-Call System
- AD 4.1.2 Temporary Vacancies (Acting) and While So Employed (NCO)
- AD 4.1.4 Overtime
- AD 4.2 Personnel Records
- AD 4.3 Uniforms Insignia and Dress Standards
- AD 4.5 Retirement, Resignation & Re-engagement
- AD 4.6 Emergency Contact List
- AD 4.7 Damage Theft or Loss of Personal Property and Issued Equipment
- AD 4.7.1 Issuance and Re-issue of Uniforms, Clothing and Equipment
- AD 4.8 Employee Badges and Identification Cards
- AD 4.9 Chief Constable's Ceremonial Guard
- AD 4.10 Off Duty Carry - Firearm and Ammunition
- AD 5.1 Court Processes Management
- AD 5.2 Critical Incident Aftercare Management
- AD 5.3.1 Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
- AD 5.4 Fit for Duty
- AD 5.6 Infection Disease Exposure
- AD 5.7 Human Rights and Respectful Workplace
- AD 5.8.1 Occupational Health and Safety – Governance
- AD 5.8.2 Occupational Health and Safety - Workplace Injuries
- AD 5.8.3 Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
- AD 5.8.4 Member Use of Seatbelts
- AD 5.8.5 Noise Control and Hearing Conservation
- AD 5.9 Duty to Accommodate
- AD 5.10 Attendance Support
- AD 5.12 Facility Dog Program
- AD 6.1 Educational Fund - Chief Constable's Scholarship
- AD 6.2 Performance Management
- AD 7.1 Training Standards - Use of Force
- AD 7.2 Conferences
- AD 7.3 Field Training Officer Program
- AD 7.4 Learning Management System
- AD 7.5 Mandatory Training
- AD 7.6 Training Records
- AD 7.7 Use of Force Instructor Qualification
- AD 8.1 Budget Process
- AD 8.2 Accounting System
- AD 8.3 Acquisition of Goods and Services
- AD 8.3.1 Assets and Inventory
- AD 8.4 Financial Audit
- AD 8.5 Audit Process
- AD 8.6 Expense Reimbursement
- AD 8.7 Liability Indemnification
- AD 8.8 Business Travel
- AD 9.1 Authorized Use of Computing Environment and Electronic Communications
- AD 9.2 ACIIS (Redacted)
- AD 9.3 CPIC Policy (Redacted)
- AD 9.4 UCR Survey
- AD 9.6 Forms Management
- AD 9.7 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- AD 9.8 Public Information and Communications
- AD 9.9 Legal Advice to SPS Members and Civilian Employees (Redacted)
- AD 9.10 Legal Processes - Summonses Subpoenas Warrants of Arrest
- AD 9.11 Making Records Private or Invisible
- AD 9.12 PRIME-BC
- AD 9.13 Property Records
- AD 9.14 Records Administration and Retention
- AD 9.15 Security Clearance
- AD 9.16 VICLAS
- AD 9.17 Social Media
- AD 9.18 Security and Confidentiality of Records and Information
- AD 9.19 Information and Technology (IT) Security
- AD 9.20 Intelligence Sharing
- AD 9.21 Provincial Tactical Enforcement Priority (PTEP) Targets
- AD 9702 SPS Request for Access to Records - FOIPPA
- Social Media Terms of Use
Operational policies
- OP 1.1 Authority and Supervision
- OP 1.2 Jurisdiction
- OP 2.1 Use of Force
- OP 2.2 Weapons Issuance and Management
- OP 2.3 Authority to Use Force to Provide Medical Assistance
- OP 2.4 IIO Notification
- OP 3.1 Arrest and Detention
- OP 3.1.1 Handcuffing
- OP 3.2 Searches of a Person
- OP 3.3 Appearance Notices and Undertaking
- OP 4.1 Amber Alert
- OP 4.2.1 False Alarms
- OP 4.2.2 Hold Up Alarms
- OP 4.3 Animal Complaints
- OP 4.4 Asset Forfeiture
- OP 4.5 Assisting Other Police Agencies
- OP 4.6 Break and Enter
- OP 4.7 Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Incidents
- OP 4.8 CBSA-Canada-USA Border Enforcement
- OP 4.9 Check Well-Being
- OP 4.9.1 Abandoned 9-1-1 Calls
- OP 4.11 Confidential Informants and Agents
- OP 4.11.1 Crime Stoppers
- OP 4.12 Undercover Operations
- OP 4.13 Crime Scene Management
- OP 4.14 Crowd Management Demonstrations
- OP 4.14.1 Civil Court Injunctions
- OP 4.15 Cyber and Technology Crimes
- OP 4.16 Diplomatic Immunity and Foreign Interference
- OP 4.17 Intimate Partner Violence
- OP 4.17.1 Intimate Partner Violence Breach of an Order
- OP 4.18 Controlled Drug and Substances
- OP 4.18.1 Clandestine Drug Laboratories
- OP 4.18.2 Grow Operations
- OP 4.19 Duty to Warn
- OP 4.19.1 Duty to Warn Public Interest
- OP 4.20 Electronic Monitoring Checks
- OP 4.21 Extradition Proceedings
- OP 4.22 Family Law Act and Civil Court
- OP 4.23 Fire Calls
- OP 4.24 Food and Drug Product Tampering
- OP 4.25 Financial Crime
- OP 4.26 Gang Intelligence
- OP 4.27 Hate Crime and Bias Incident Investigation
- OP 4.28 Hospital Emergencies
- OP 4.29 Insecure Premises
- OP 4.30.1 Interviewing Statements
- OP Duty Statements - Respondent Officer and Witness Officer
- OP Duty Statements - Witness Officer
- OP Statements - Adult Suspects
- OP Statements - Youth Suspects
- OP 4.30.4 Statements - Victims and Witnesses
- OP 4.30.5 Use of Interpreters and Translators
- OP 4.31 Labour Disputes
- OP 4.32 Landlord and Tenant Disputes
- OP 4.33 Liquor Offences
- OP 4.34.1 Active Threat Response
- OP 4.34.2 Arson
- OP 4.34.3 Assault
Limitation of information
Surrey Police Service is pleased to provide its policies (as they are developed and approved) for public reading, as required by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 70. Parts of some policies have been removed to ensure confidentiality regarding specific operational deployment strategies and sensitive investigative techniques. All such removals have been noted in this public version of Policy Manual, as required by section 70.
SPS policies are updated annually and more frequently when required, with legislative changes, court decisions, and internal reviews.
Please contact the Manager, Information and Privacy at FOI@surreypolice.ca if you have questions about the current state of any policy.
This electronic versions of SPS policies are for private study or research purposes only, and belong exclusively to Surrey Police Service. No person or entity is permitted to reproduce in whole or part any SPS policies for business or commercial purposes, or the purposes of distribution, trade, sale, rent, or posting on the Internet, social media or electronic bulletin boards.
Further details about copyright protection over these and other public agency owned works can be obtained by reference to the federal Copyright Act. Any other use of the Policy Manual requires advance permission of Surrey Police Service’s Policy and Research Section.
Warranty disclaimer
This website and its information is provided as a public service by Surrey Police Service and provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. All implied warranties, including, without limitation, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, and non-infringement, are expressly disclaimed. Surrey Police Service may edit, revise and cancel policies without advance public notice.
Limitation of liabilities
Under no circumstances will Surrey Police Service, the Surrey Police Board, or the City of Surrey be liable to any person or business entity for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages based on the use of this website or any other website to which this site is linked, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, or loss of programs or information, even if Surrey Police Service, the Surrey Police Board, or the City of Surrey have been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages.